Fertility Support Group, Peer To Peer. You’re not alone!

Fertility Support Groups ease the pain and emotional struggles of infertility

Fertility Support Groups are Important!

You’re not alone! Fertility Support groups are there to provide you with a safe place to share your emotions and your fertility story.

When we struggle with trying to conceive, we often feel so isolated and believe we are the only couple going through it.

Talking with family and friends is hard; it seems no one understands unless they have actually been through the infertility trenches. Often we feel like our partners don’t even understand; they don’t have the daily blood work, pio shots and good ole’ wanda, so how could the get it?

Infertility Support Group Canada, IVF Support Group

Infertility can be Isolating.

How common is infertility?

The fact is, 1 in 6 couples in Canada and 1 in 8 in the US, struggle with infertility.

Look outside, count six neighbours, one of them is infertile too. You’re not alone.

The one thing that has helped me is the support of other fertility sisters.

When I first started on my journey, I told no one. I went through treatments and my first miscarriage in secret. I kept working and pretending everything was ok, only to have it all just keep building up.  Never dealing with my emotions, put my mind and body so out of balance, I was no where near ready to conceive.

What are the benefits of fertility support groups?

  • Having a peer to peer support group for those struggling with infertility, gives you the opportunity to express your experiences and emotions.
  • It’s an environment where you feel safe sharing your fertility journey to others who have gone through similar situations.
  • Listening to other people’s fertility experiences may help you not feel stress, overwhelm, and anxiety
  • Building relationships so you now have a fertility support network that makes you feel less isolated.
  • Sharing resource and knowledge makes you feel like you have a team that is safe and supportive to help you with your fertility
  • Fertility support groups can ease the pain of the frustrations and emotions you can often feel. 

Infertility can feel so isolating

The infertility community

Together we will hold a safe and confidential place for everyone that wishes to talk about their infertility journey.

Infertility Support Groups in Canada

With covid we have moved our in-person infertility support groups to virtual. I have a love-hate relationship with this. I love the in-person meetings, so we can connect on a different level and, I love hugs! They just make everything a bit better. However, with virtual we have so many ladies joining us from all over the world, we have ladies from all across Canada, the US, Australia, and England. So sharing fertility experiences with others around the globe, is something very special too. 

We meet on the first Wednesday of every month from 7-9pm est. It’s a peer to peer infertility support group were we chat, discuss, and share with each other. The calls are always really uplifting, and we all learn so much from each other. 

FAQ – You can have your camera on or off. You are welcome to share as much or as little as you want. You do not have to speak if you don’t wish too, a lot of times there is great comfort in knowing you share similar experiences to someone else.

ivf support group, fertility support group Canada, Infertility Support group Canada

If you would like to join us, please reach out and we can set you up with the zoom link and add you to our private facebook group.

Looking forward to having you join us.

You’re Not Alone Fertility Sister!

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