Transforming My Fertility Struggles into Your Success Story

Hi, I’m Crystal!!

I've Conquered My Fertility Struggles—Now, I'm Here to Help You Overcome Yours!

Struggling to conceive can feel like being lost in a maze of uncertainty and doubt. Each failed attempt brings a wave of disappointment crashing down, leaving you feeling adrift in a sea of emotions.

You're filled with a sense of anger, not at anyone or anything in particular, but at the unfairness of it all. Every negative pregnancy test feels like a punch in the gut, another reminder of what you're desperately longing for but can't seem to achieve.

It's lonely too, isn't it? Watching others effortlessly start their families while you're left wondering why it's so difficult for you. And the frustration... oh, the frustration of not knowing what to do next, of feeling like you're running out of options, of questioning if you have the right doctor or the right plan.

It's enough to make you want to scream into the void, to shake your fists at the universe and demand answers. But amidst all these feelings, there's a glimmer of hope, a tiny voice inside you that whispers, "There has to be a way." And you're right, there is.

Fertility support, guidance, and helping you get pregnant.

Let me share a little story with you.

After nine long years of struggle, I finally became a mom to my twins, Maveryk and Savannah, through surrogacy. Realizing there were so many other things I could have done to help me conceive faster, I became frustrated with the way the fertility world worked. Determined to make a change, I went back to school and became a Registered Holistic Nutritionist, a certified Fertility Coach, and a Health and Nutrition Coach.

Now, my mission is to help others avoid the mistakes I made and find their own path to fertility success. I want to walk with you on your journey, become part of your fertility team, and share with you all the tools I have learned which will help you conceive faster.

You don't have to go through this alone—together, we can bring home the baby you’ve been dreaming of.

I now understand that infertility isn’t just about the physical challenges; it’s an emotional journey as well. You might be feeling hopeless, frustrated, and emotionally drained. You might be questioning why this is happening to you and feeling like you’re on an endless emotional rollercoaster that you will never get off. I’ve been there, and I get it.

With my experience and credentials, I’ve helped many clients start their families.

I’m confident that I can help you too.

Ready to start your fertility journey with the right support?

Let’s have a fertility chat and see how we can set you up for success.

Remember, you're not alone in this. Together, we can navigate this rough path.

With a Smile,


I was in the same spot as you are right now —overwhelmed and frustrated with infertility.

My journey was long and challenging, filled with highs and lows over nine years. I experienced multiple miscarriages and even a rare ovarian ectopic pregnancy. The emotional rollercoaster of IUI’s, IVF’s, and the constant emotional and financial strain was exhausting, as I know you can relate to.

When I started my journey, I felt very alone. Infertility can be extremely isolating. I had no idea there were so many tools, tips, and tricks—evidence-based of course, not just hokey pokey—that could increase my chances of having a healthy pregnancy. I thought the doctors had all the solutions, and all I had to do was show up. Yes, I was the typical type-A girl, answering calls while being on the ultrasound table.

But I soon realized that there is more to infertility than just medical intervention, especially with an IVF pushing doctor that gives the same medication cocktail to every patient whether they have PCOS or unexplained infertility. I dealt with bad doctors, felt unsupported, and often just felt like another number in the system. However, along my journey, I learned some valuable lessons.

Fertility Coach that understands your fertility journey because I have gone through multiple IVF's and miscarriages myself.

Ready to Take Control of Your Fertility Story?

I can help you!

A few of our clients experiences.

Fertility coach review The support everyone needs on their fertility journey

"Crystal is beyond incredible and the person you want on your team while navigating the uncertain waters of infertility. She understands the struggle on a deep and personal level, so the compassion and understanding is unmatched. She has all the tips, tricks and expertise, plus a whole lot of invaluable connections in the industry. She is so loved by all she comes into contact with, doctors included, because of her wealth of knowledge and drive to succeed. Crystal will be your advocate and protector during the difficult days, and your cheerleader whenever a win is secured. I can count on her to be there during any of the wide range of emotions that infertility can cause, and she’s there with a smile. Challenging days are easier with her by your side! A gem of a human and a gem in the industry. 🩷🩵" - Laura T.

fertility coaching testimonial for Fertility Blooms

"I reached out to Crystal a year ago after being told I needed an egg donor and actually getting one. When Crystal went through my fertility history, she didn't believe I needed an egg donor. She was right—I don't need a donor. Crystal connected me with a fertility doctor who addressed previously ignored sperm issues, and I'm about to start multiple IVF cycles and bank embryos with my own eggs. While there are no guarantees, for the first time in four years, I have hope. I owe that to Crystal—her advice, support, guidance, and compassion have been, and continue to be, pivotal to our fertility journey." - Melissa E.

Review for the best fertility coach to help with infertility

"After years of struggling with PCOS and getting no answers, I found Crystal. She really listened to my concerns and gave me support that made a world of difference. Crystal was with me every step of the way, offering advice and all her tips each day that really helps. Thanks to her, I'm finally a mom! I couldn't have done it without her guidance and expertise." - Kristine L.

Hope, Strength, and Support: Crystal's Comprehensive Fertility Care

Personalized Fertility Blueprint

Your fertility journey is unique, and so is our approach. Crystal will thoroughly assess your individual challenges and circumstances, addressing both partners' health. Together, we'll create a comprehensive, holistic fertility plan that harmonizes mind, body, and spirit to optimize conditions for conception and enhance your chances of parenthood.

Holistic Fertility Support

Crystal will evaluate the steps you've already taken and build upon your existing efforts. She will guide you through fertility-focused lifestyle and nutritional changes, stress management techniques, and natural remedies, providing targeted strategies and support to enhance your reproductive health and optimize your chances of conception.

Fertility Guidance

Crystal will facilitate thorough hormonal assessments and the right diagnostic tests, ensuring you understand each process and its significance. She will connect you with the best fertility specialists and develop a strategic, individualized plan. With continuous fertility support, Crystal will be by your side, offering expertise, reassurance, and encouragement to help you navigate and succeed on your fertility journey.

Move your fertility journey forward today!

Here's are some of the ways, I can help you get pregnant faster and help make your fertility treatments, like IVF, successful?

Hormone Balancing: Techniques to naturally balance your hormones and enhance fertility.

Egg Quality: Improving egg quality for better conception outcomes.

Stress Management: Techniques to reduce stress and improve your fertility journey.

Endometriosis Management: Strategies to help with pain management and improve fertility.

IVF Guidance: Guiding you through the overwhelming IVF process.

Unexplained Infertility: Deep dive into what's really going on to find answers.

Miscarriage Support: Providing emotional and practical support after a loss.

Fertility Meal Plan: Optimizing your body while going through IVF, IUI, or trying to conceive naturally.

PCOS Management: Giving you the best tools to manage PCOS.

Thyroid Health: Optimizing thyroid function for better fertility.

Sperm Health: Techniques to enhance sperm quality and fertility.

IUI Support: Comprehensive guidance through the IUI process to increase your chances of success.

Fertility Detox: Detox plans to prepare your body for conception.

Finding the Right Fertility Doctor: Helping you find the best fertility specialist.

Mind-Body Connection: Techniques to connect your mind and body for improved fertility outcomes.

Menstrual Cycle Analysis: Understanding what your cycle tells you about your fertility.

Starting Your Journey: Taking the first step to trying to conceive; where to start.

Secondary Infertility Support: Tailored plans for those experiencing difficulty conceiving again.

Managing Blood Sugar: Strategies to help manage blood sugar levels for better fertility.

Fertility Community: Join a supportive community of fertility warriors.